Saturday, May 9, 2020

Of MCO and social distancing, a mum worries.

2020 seem to look a little scary, one where a lot of us would question what the future holds for our children. Parents like me who have invested all of their time and financial planning for a strong future for our children can only wonder what else holds for them, what with the already challenging opportunity to obtain jobs, where it's always who you know vs how well you do in your education, the global warming and now with the bad political scenario in the country, robbing future generations the security that a lot of us have enjoyed over the last 3 decades.

But, I feel that we are a strong and stable society whereby we don't really go down to the streets in protest of every issue and go by our own day-to-day routine, adapting to changes and direction from the government.

Finally went out after over 50 days of MCO (movement control order) which has changed to conditional MCO earlier this week with the family. It's going to be a slow recovery for the nation especially since we are governed by the people we did not choose to govern the country.

Went to a nearby mall, Gardens and saw how different the atmosphere is there compared to the Mid Valley mall just opposite from it. Yeah, for some of us, we live comfortably in this bubble but we won't be able to protect our children all the time from hate, racial issues and what society deem as normal. Some of us don't fall under that norm and I do worry about how well my children will flourish under the culture that we don't quite fit in.

I just feel the need to write again. I've lost count of the number of days we were couped up in our condo since the MCO was announced 18 March 2020 and since working from home, doing scores of online shopping, it's ashamed that I let the days go by without documenting my thoughts now that I don't work in a "rushed" and stressful atmosphere. Things are more manageable when you don't need to rush in the morning getting ready for work when you waste at least 1 1/2 hours until you arrive at the office, then another 2 hours at least to get back home to get ready for dinner, family time and chores.

The outing to Gardens today was great as I experienced a new "norm" where you don't browse unnecessarily to shop but enter to get exactly what you need and leave. I mean, shouldn't that be the way? - to go out only when necessary, to shop only what you need and to use up meaningful time.

My thoughts are jumbled up with many things and there are limited things that I can write about. One thing's for sure, it surely feels nice to pen my thoughts again in this private blog.

And oh, ever since I started a new job in 2018, I no longer wear a watch. With a smart phone always in my hands and the sudden discomfort of wearing a watch while typing on the laptop made me realise there are so many things I don't really need to own. So, perhaps I should change the header of this blog but it's quite a good depiction of having to choose what you can own. Life is a choice and we keep making choices in whatever we do daily.


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